Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Tobacco is responsible for 1 in 10 adult deaths worldwide, equivalent to 5 million deaths per year. Death primarily due to the collapse of the cardiovascular system that lead to heart attacks, respiratory diseases and cancer. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Still want to smoke? Then read on ... Many doctors and doctors will not do surgery on someone who is smoking, because they believe that the risk of surgery exceeds the likelihood of potential profits. Researchers at the University of Toronto Medical School have found that smoking inhibits the body's ability to heal bone and grow new bone. the latest shocking figures show that pregnant women who smoke as little as 1 to 10 cigarettes a day had a 29% chance of birth defects of children with a finger or toe. Number increased to 78% for those who smoked 20 cigarettes or more per day. Another major reason to quit smoking is financial. You will be surprised to find so many more of your hard earned cash safely in your own pocket rather than in the pockets of big companies and money lenders (and governments) which all benefit from your smoking habit. A tax on tobacco increased, more! That would mean even more of your money will be "in smoke" if you excuse the word play. Even the big insurance companies are now starting to reject the policy of smokers. Heaven forbid the notion that an insurance company to take some risks to get their millions! Often you will see that a small box appears in forms such as insurance forms, medical forms, lease agreements, loan agreements, working papers and so on to ask "If you smoke, please check the box". After you check the box that you are categorized and often rejected. Would not it be like achievements to be able to check the box that says:? "Non-Smokers' public places like bars, clubs, restaurants and many other sporting and social facilities have adopted non-smoking policy. Being a smoker is separated from friends, had to leave them to go out for a cigarette again. Do you really enjoy the feeling of being the odd one out? 'A Strange out', as a smoker you for sure is that the far more numerous and the people in the world of non-smokers than smokers. It is universally agreed that smoking is not safe, not only for smokers but for those around too. To Stop Smoking is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones as their health is being threatened by your habits. Even if you take yourself out for smoking, premature death you will leave the grieving relatives and the prospect is frightening for us all, but often not as scary as going without cigarettes. This need not be a daunting prospect to stop smoking, and not once you understand the control system places where tobacco in your sub-conscious. Maybe you do not realize that being a smoker has been statistically proven to affect your chances of finding love? Yes, romance arrows may not find you when you smoke! Most people want a soul mate they smell fresh and clean with the smell of "eau de perfume" not, "eau de tobacco". One of the first things you'll notice when you quit smoking is that you regain a sense of smell, which has been dulled by smoking. Suddenly everything seems to be the sweet smell of so many including you. Food tastes completely different and you quickly realize how your brain senses and receptors have been blunted and deceived by the tobacco, the most commonly used neuro-toxin in the world. Contrary to popular belief, when you stop smoking it does not automatically mean you will gain weight. You will feel much more healthy that exercise becomes a chore rather than treat. Take something new and interesting, preferably outdoors. You will be truly amazed at your newfound energy as your body kick an addictive habit. Finally, here is a short testimony written by a lifelong smoker:. "It's not meant to happen to me I used to think that all the warnings about the dangers of smoking does not apply to me. Scare mongering tactics, I really will get annoyed at my health warnings on cigarette packets I have a right to smoke if I want to .. how stupid I was.

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