Tuesday, December 27, 2011


One of the things we fear most is visiting the dentist. But something that replaces the fear, when the dentist tells us that our teeth will survive his life and must be extracted. Somehow you get braces that managed to do in tooth extraction, so what’s next? How long is the recovery takes tooth extraction? It is a solid tooth extraction recovery period? What do you do when you pain tooth extraction recovery? Before we answer these frequently asked questions, first to see recovery takes place as a tooth extraction.
Such as tooth extraction recovery takes place?
Immediately after extraction, blood vessels release socket of the platelets, which help form a mesh network, which is known as a blood clot. These clots can take several hours start to organize themselves and the most important component of recovery with a tooth extraction. Often, pain, tooth extraction recovery is with dislocation of the clot place. Once the clot is secure, begin the remodeling. After a week or so, start osteoblasts with the bones, which help the power outlet nearby? The final stage is completely visible from the outlet sealing a layer of rubber.
Normal recovery time tooth extraction
There is no set recovery time varies from tooth extraction due to many factors. Some of these factors are listed below:
The health of the patient: If the patient is diabetic or anemic recovery, and wound takes longer, so the recovery time of dental extractions. Even if the patient already immune-compromised, then the chances is high, a superinfection, ie the extension of the recovery phases extraction.
Extraction type: Extraction of tooth extraction vary recovery ever made. For a simple extraction, especially of mobile teeth no longer bleed, and thus decreases the recovery time. However, if this is a surgical procedure such as extraction of wisdom teeth, which includes cutting, drilling, bone, etc. then in such cases, wisdom teeth removed recovery is much higher. Extra care after extraction must also be taken after a disimpaction.
Dental health: If it is a long cooldown, with the infection to the bone, and tooth extraction recovery is longer, take longer to heal the bone completely.
The presence of a super-infection: If the wound is infected, before closing completely, then the time required for wound healing longer.
How to speed up recovery time tooth extraction?
While there is little that can be done to speed up the recovery time of tooth extraction, tooth extraction care it gives some clues that should be kept in mind. They are:
Do not drink through a straw after extraction. Negative pressure generated while sucking from a straw can dislocation of the clot, leading to pain, tooth extraction can lead recovery.
After extraction, the package of gauze to keep firmly in place for at least half an hour. This will contribute to clot formation and stabilization.
Eat only light meals and after an extraction. Try and keep a semi-solid food for two days after an extraction, how hard chewing leads to an increased risk of blood clots dislocation
Start taking prescription drugs (painkillers or antibiotics), within a few hours after the extraction. This prevents infection and pain significantly reduced recovery time of dental extractions.
Gargle with warm salt water to prevent the second day of a possible infection from occurring in the mouth.
Use an ice pack later in the day to help after the extraction shrink the blood vessels, which will help prevent the formation of a bulge, thus reducing the recovery time of dental extractions.
Do not smoke for at least 24 hours of extraction, such as smoking can be a very severe disability factor for wound healing.
Do not brush too hard after the extraction, as this will remove the blood clot.
If there is heavy bleeding or pain after dental extraction, inform your dentist immediately. Both can be signs of blood clots translocations, which can cause severe pain tooth extraction recovery.
religiously follow the instructions given by your dentist because after all they are good for your own!
Pain tooth extraction recovery
Extraction recovery tooth pain is a serious disease and should be ignored under any circumstances. should Extraction is a method that dentists use it as a last resort, and therefore it is a procedure to exemption from long term pain. Here are some conditions that are able to occur where recovery tooth extraction pain:
Wound infection: Some people such as diabetics and immunocompromised person are at high risk of breakthrough. Tooth extraction recovery is longer in these individuals. For example, in diabetics, open wound, which exposed blood vessels with blood that is rich in sugar, acts as an invitation to microorganisms. Therefore, there is greater risk of superinfection. If this happens, immediately contact your dentist.
Periapical infection: If after a tooth extraction, there is still pain, then it could be that the tooth was so badly decayed that it led to an abscessed tooth or jaw bone infection reached. One must, whether periapical infection with an X-ray control.
Dry socket after tooth extraction socket chemical emergency is seen recovering an extremely painful condition from tooth extractions. Extraction recovery tooth pain is almost unbearable. This condition occurs when the clot before it was fully developed and therefore displaced; the symptoms begin to appear about a week after the extraction. The patient complains of intolerable pain. Your dentist should immediately wash the area with Betadine, which helps soothe the wound.
It was about recovery time tooth extraction pain tooth extraction and recovery. However, if you do want to get away with tooth extractions total only recall some basic care such as brushing the snow-white teeth twice a day practice and visiting the dentist (at least!) The twice a year!
Infected wisdom tooth removal after wisdom tooth removal, especially when the wisdom tooth can affect horizontal, patients complain of pain and swelling in the feet behind the last molar tooth. This is based on the fact that bone formation is not fully behind the second molars, and therefore sometimes seeps into food from the gums and is presented in the space behind the second molar. This can harbor microorganisms and lead to periodontitis. It must be especially cautious after the extraction of wisdom teeth, forming pockets, is almost inevitable. You should consult periodontist to help in such situations.

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